Our futures are TBD

To Be Determined, Designed, and Developed

Perplexed about what the future may bring? 

Anticipating complex challenges on the horizon?

Eager to discover growth opportunities ahead of competition?

Futures Thinking requires a leader’s mindset. Future-Prepared organizations outperform their peers in profitability and growth (read more).

TBD Futures empowers leaders with greater clarity, agility, and agency to navigate uncertainties in our hyper-dynamic world and proactively shape a future of choice.

By leveraging the combined power of Design Thinking and Strategic Foresight, TBD Futures engages in complex research, analyses, multi-scenario building, ideation, and strategic planning. With deep understanding of trends, uncertainties, and potential futures, we help leaders develop compelling visions across multiple possible futures, identify innovative solutions, and build actionable plans to create the preferred future of maximized success.

The TBD Approach: combining comprehensive creative exploration with analytical rigor to achieve strategic agility

To Be Determined:
Futures are fluid and plural

The future is not a singular path but a spectrum of possibilities shaped by myriad factors. By embracing the complexity of emerging trends today, we can immerse ourselves in multiple future outcomes to anticipate both challenges and opportunities.

To Be Designed:
Multi-scenario ideas get us ready

Harnessing the creative power of Design, we generate numerous ideas across multiple future scenarios. Through synthesis and analysis, clarity emerges—revealing cross-cutting themes, latent opportunities, and pathways to shape a desired future direction.

To Be Developed:
Roadmaps guide us to success

As visions crystallize into actionable strategies, uncertainty transforms into agency. Our roadmaps pave the way towards preferred future outcomes, empowering proactive steps. We continuously monitor the horizon to ensure agility as the future unfolds.

Selected cases: Strategies for products, business, and operations with clients from startups to Fortune 100 globally


  • [The team] helped us consider the "what if's"... [they] had a way to clarify very complex information and make them digestible to inform decision making, [which then] led to a project that can be life-changing to the company.

    CEO, Electric Vehicle industry client

  • Lucy brings a depth of expertise in and passion for helping clients explore possible futures. She challenges you to imagine forward with a skillful combination of analytical rigor and expansive creative energy; aiming to broaden and sharpen how you create and own your future.

    Jeff Salazar, Partner, McKinsey & Company

  • [The session] enabled the team to think about new trends and how to leverage our strengths today and make it relevant. The problem-solving mechanism with customer needs was powerful.

    Senior VP, Retail client

  • [The session was] too short! My favorite part was the ideation on who the customer is and how to solve for new customers based on future trends.

    Executive VP, Consumer client

  • We went outside the box and considered many possibilities. It was eye opening and collaborative. We need to do more of this.

    Head of Marketing, Mobility industry client

  • Lucy brings deep expertise in the art and science of futures foresight creative thinking and analytical depth to make sense and structure the exciting probable future scenarios that guide organizations to think, strategize and prepare better.

    Chau Nguyen, Former Partner, McKinsey & Company